
The SD Met has student led clubs that meet regularly: GSA, Theater, Community, Chess, Art and more! Check them out! 

GSA ClubMeets some Wednesdays at Lunch in Ms. Mann-Deibert's room. For info, find us on Instagram @sdmetgsa.

GSA club pic


D & D Club: The Dungeons and Dragons Club meets in Ms. K's room after school on Wednesdays. Contact Ms. K for more information: [email protected]


Chess Club meets some Wednesdays at lunch in Ms. K's room. Check for signs showing meeting dates on campus. 

Black And White Pawns.png

SD Met Community Club, led by Sofie Spagarino, meets on the first Monday of each month to plan volunteering experiences out in our community. Past events included: First Presbyterian Homeless Outreach, Sharia's Closet clothing sorting, Pacific Beach slough maintenance, Met Garden overhaul, and more!  Follow/contact us on instagram: @sdmetcommunityclub. 
Community club garden clean up

More NEW clubs in 2023:

Gaming Club- meets some Mondays after school. 

Debate Club- meeting times TBD

Pokemon Club - meeting times TBD

Cosplay Club- meeting times TBD


SD Met Art Club  meets at lunch on Fridays in room K204. Our purpose is to provide a space for artists of all mediums to come together and create and to enrich the artistic culture of our school. Our leaders are Dr. Donna Pilkington, Evie Maher, Salem Starbuck Smith, Gray Coen, who lead us as we create art, go on field trips to various museums in San Diego and have regular fundraisers. For more information, contact  [email protected]

Art club pic

SD Met Theater Club meets Mondays after school in K205. Our club, led by Cameron  Jackson and Gray Cohen,  enjoys theater games, field trips to local shows and creating performances. For more information, find us on Instagram: @mettheaterclub

Theater club pic

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